Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Schnupfen und Halsschmerzen

Ich habe Schnupfen und Halsscmerzen. Ich mochte im Bett bleiben aber ich muss arbeiten. This translates to: I have a stuffy nose and sore throat. I want to stay in bed but I have to work.

Today is a cozy day. I woke up after a night of congestion and coughing to find a pleasant surprise - it was snowing. After making a cup of Chamomile tea mit Honig (with honey), I sat down at the breakfast table cuddling my mug and watched the snowflakes dance their way to the ground. It must have either been extra cold or extra dry in the air because the snowflakes were big and fluffy. I'm pretty sure instead of shoveling the sidewalk you could have swept the snow off the sidewalks...or taken a leaf blower if you were feeling boisterous. It was snowing so hard that you couldn't even see the lake from the window and on any other given day you can see all the way to the other side between the pine tree and the house in front of our building. I know it doesn't look like it in the picture, but it was snowing pretty hard!

The view out of the front porch
One thing about Switzerland that has perplexed me is the occurrence of shoveling snow. I think Switzerland has little invisible elves that shovel the snow because I have never seen anyone with a shovel, yet the sidewalks are always snow free. Perhaps I am highly unobservant or the entire town of Kusnacht has heated sidewalks, but either way, I like to believe that there are wee little men that run around shoveling the snow before anyone can see them. Perhaps one day I will catch them in the act. I hope they have bells on their shoes.

So due to the fact the my entire apartment is quarantined as a result of every facet of winter cold symptoms that exist being passed around the four members of the apartment, I had a fairly mellow week thus far. I have yet to successfully take a nap in the afternoon, however, because something unexpected alwasys comes up or right when I lay my head down the two year old decides he's had enough sleep and wants attention. Either way, every day this week so far has been a pajama day...which feeds my soul. There aren't many jobs in this world that you can do while sick in your PJs and I just so happen to have landed one of those positions. (It's amazing how much energy a child can have while sick.) I'm hoping that the worst is behind me and I'll be healthy for the weekend...but I won't tell you why. It's a secret for another post!

1 comment:

  1. They shovel the snow at about 4 a.m. How do I know this? I can hear them right outside my window. Though I prefer the idea that invisible (and silent) elves do this.
