Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The United Nations

I'm proud to say that I have made new friends! We are all from different counries, so we speak English to each other (great for me!) and I like to think of us as the United Nations. However, since I don't have their permission to write about them in my blog, I'm going to leave their names out and instead call them by their country of origin. In order to eliminate any assumption of favoritism, I shall briefly describe them in alphabetical order:

India: (Male) India is nicknamed "The Funny Man." He doesn't try to be funny, but the things he says are hilarious. Like the other day when we were having dinner at Italy's apartment, he accidentally poked himself in the eye...only when he explained what happened he had a little English mishap and told everyone that he "put his finger in his a**." A** = Eye when India is tired. India moved here because he has a Swiss girlfriend. He also doesn't really know how to swim and sings Indian music all the time. It's like having a little Bollywood radio around all the time. He also doesn't eat pork (see Italy).

Italy: (Male) Italy is the laid-back skater guy who is Mr. Anything-goes. He is very adventurous, will try anything twice, and isn't scared to jump of a 10 meter bridge into freezing cold water over and over. He is very hospitable, likes to throw dinner parties, and won't let me help with the dishes. Did I mention he used to be a rockstar in Italy? Italy moved here because he has a Swiss girlfriend too. Italy also is very sarcastic and likes to make a lot of jokes - like telling India that there is pork in everything, except in the Limmat River.

Norway: (Male) Norway is fairly quiet at times, ALWAYS puncutal, and has cought the eye of our German teacher. She even asked him if he wanted private lessons...oh lala! He's super smart considering he moved to Zurich to get a masters in Physics. He also likes an adventure and accompanies Italy in jumping off the bridge at the Limmatplatz. Unfortunately, since Norway is studdying at the university, he is no longer in our German class, thus we are always late going back to class after break. Also, he swears he doesn't dance - but I am convinced Michael Jackson will change his mind. He is also very talented at playing the guitar!

Serbia: (Female) Serbia is a little fashionista. She always wears the cutest clothes and I love her shoes. The best part is that we're the same shoe size, so she can tell me which stores sell the cheap 36 size shoes! They're hard to find here! Serbia swears that she doesn't speak English very well, but she is a lot better than she thinks.

Spain: (Female) Spain moved here because she has a Swiss boyfriend. She is very tall and is used to walking everywhere since the public transportation is twice as expensive in Spain as in Switzerland. Since she has very long legs and is used to walking long distances, everything to Spain is "just ten minutes" away. There was one time were we all took a 30 minute "ten minute walk." Now we just multiply what she says by three.

So that's the main crew that usually hangs out together. It's pretty fun learning about each other's cultures and trying to speak German to each other. It's nice that they all know English fairly well, but sometimes we have to play taboo or cherades to try to figure out what each other are saying. Hopefully we'll be able to speak German to each other soon!

I also hope they don't get mad at my descriptions!

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