Monday, February 28, 2011

Six Months of Success and One Day of Failure

So I am very proud to announce that I have lasted just over six months living in a foreign country, tackling an impossible language, and fending off European men. The road has gotten a little rough at times and I have hit a few potholes, but overall I would say that I have rocked at life since my move... until today.

I was sitting at the dinner table, enjoying a well-prepared meal by yours truly, and chatting with the host family about my upcoming travel aspirations. I had just fixed myself a perfect piece of bread with avocado, cheese, and salami and after finishing the open faced sandwich and licking my fingers, my host mom looks at me and says, "You know that was horse salami....right?" FAIL.

I believe it was in one of my first blogs where I outlined my disgust of a culture that would eat beautiful creatures like horses and swore that, along with cats and dogs, I would never eat horse. And the worst part? I do the grocery shopping. So not only had I eaten Thunder, but I had paid for, thus condoned, the slaughter of him too. 

I'm a Broncos fan. I feel sick.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel sad! Horse is so good! I bet you enjoyed every bite of it until you found out what it was, no? I know you originally swore of pets, but this really isn't so bad. In fact, it's kind of funny. :)
